Sean W. D. Turner1*, Jennie S. Rice1*, Kristian D. Nelson1*, Chris R. Vernon1*, Ryan McManamay2*, Kerim Dickson3*, Landon Marston4*
1 PNNL 2 Baylor 3 Kansas State 4 Virginia Tech
* corresponding author:
Turner, S.W.D., Rice, J., Nelson, K., Vernon, C., McManamay, R., Dickson, K., and Marston, L. (2021). Comparison of potential drinking water contamination across one hundred U.S. cities, Nature Communications 12, 7254.
Contributing modeling software
gamut |
0.1.0 | |
Results: PPCS metrics and water supply contributions for 116 cities
Example: use gamut
to compute PPCS and other metrics
To download the gamut
tool, use:
If you have any trouble installing, please the instructions here: Still no luck? Open an issue.
Next download the input data linked above (“Geospatial Input Datasets for Urban Teleconnections Analysis”) and save to a local directory of your choice.
my_gamut_data_dir <- "my_directory/Geospatial_Input_Datasets"
Here’s an example for two cities:
(Due to the high resolution of some of the geospatial data used in gamut
, this may take several minutes!)
data_dir = my_gamut_data_dir,
cities = c("Portland | OR", "New York | NY")
) -> city_metrics
## ✔ Portland | OR
## ✔ New York | NY
## # A tibble: 2 × 52
## city city_population n_watersheds n_other_cities dependent_city_pop
## <chr> <dbl> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 Portland | OR 653115 1 1 653115
## 2 New York | NY 8398748 8 1 8398748
## # … with 47 more variables: watershed_area_sqkm <dbl>, storage_BCM <dbl>,
## # yield_BCM <dbl>, irr_cons_BCM <dbl>, n_climate_zones <int>,
## # n_hydro_plants <dbl>, n_thermal_plants <dbl>, n_fac_agcrop <dbl>,
## # n_fac_aglivestock <dbl>, n_fac_cnsmnf <dbl>, n_fac_mining <dbl>,
## # n_fac_oilgas <dbl>, n_fac_total <dbl>, hydro_gen_MWh <dbl>,
## # thermal_gen_MWh <dbl>, thermal_cons_BCM <dbl>, thermal_with_BCM <dbl>,
## # n_utilities <int>, n_ba <int>, n_crop_classes <int>, …
Check here for definitions of each metric.