Sean W. D. Turner1*, Jennie S. Rice1*, Kristian D. Nelson1*, Chris R. Vernon1*, Ryan McManamay2*, Kerim Dickson3*, Landon Marston4*

1 PNNL 2 Baylor 3 Kansas State 4 Virginia Tech

* corresponding author:


Turner, S.W.D., Rice, J., Nelson, K., Vernon, C., McManamay, R., Dickson, K., and Marston, L. (2021). Comparison of potential drinking water contamination across one hundred U.S. cities, Nature Communications 12, 7254.

Contributing modeling software

model Version Repository Link DOI
gamut 0.1.0 DOI

Input data

Dataset Version DOI
Geospatial Input Datasets for Urban Teleconnections Analysis 1.0 DOI

Results: PPCS metrics and water supply contributions for 116 cities


Example: use gamut to compute PPCS and other metrics

To download the gamut tool, use:


If you have any trouble installing, please the instructions here: Still no luck? Open an issue.

Next download the input data linked above (“Geospatial Input Datasets for Urban Teleconnections Analysis”) and save to a local directory of your choice.

my_gamut_data_dir <- "my_directory/Geospatial_Input_Datasets"

Here’s an example for two cities:

(Due to the high resolution of some of the geospatial data used in gamut, this may take several minutes!)

  data_dir = my_gamut_data_dir,
  cities = c("Portland | OR", "New York | NY")
  ) -> city_metrics
## ✔ Portland | OR
## ✔ New York | NY
## # A tibble: 2 × 52
##   city          city_population n_watersheds n_other_cities dependent_city_pop
##   <chr>                   <dbl>        <int>          <int>              <dbl>
## 1 Portland | OR          653115            1              1             653115
## 2 New York | NY         8398748            8              1            8398748
## # … with 47 more variables: watershed_area_sqkm <dbl>, storage_BCM <dbl>,
## #   yield_BCM <dbl>, irr_cons_BCM <dbl>, n_climate_zones <int>,
## #   n_hydro_plants <dbl>, n_thermal_plants <dbl>, n_fac_agcrop <dbl>,
## #   n_fac_aglivestock <dbl>, n_fac_cnsmnf <dbl>, n_fac_mining <dbl>,
## #   n_fac_oilgas <dbl>, n_fac_total <dbl>, hydro_gen_MWh <dbl>,
## #   thermal_gen_MWh <dbl>, thermal_cons_BCM <dbl>, thermal_with_BCM <dbl>,
## #   n_utilities <int>, n_ba <int>, n_crop_classes <int>, …

Check here for definitions of each metric.