Contributing to tell

Whether you find a typo in the documentation, find a bug, or want to develop functionality that you think will make tell more robust, you are welcome to contribute!

Opening issues

If you find a bug or would like to contribute a new feature, please open an issue.

Contribution workflow (bug or feature)

  1. I found a bug!

    • Check if the bug has already been reported by searching the existing GitHub

Issues. If you find a match, consider adding additional details to the existing ticket.

  • Open a new Issue, being sure to include a clear title and

description along with as much detail as possible; code samples or log messages demonstrating the bug are quite helpful.

  1. I fixed a bug!

outlines the bug and the solution. Include the Issue number if applicable.

  1. I created a new feature!

    • Consider opening a new Issue to describe use cases for the

new feature. This will offer a platform for discussion and critique.

methodology. Be sure to include new unit tests if appropriate.

Contribution workflow (pull request)

The following is the recommended workflow for contributing to tell:

  1. Fork the tell repository and then clone it locally:

git clone<your-user-name>/tell
  1. Create a branch for your changes

git checkout -b bug/some-bug

# or

git checkout -b feature/some-feature
  1. Add your recommended changes and ensure all tests pass, then commit your changes

git commit -m '<my short message>'
  1. Push your changes to the remote

git push origin <my-branch-name>
  1. Submit a pull request with the following information:

  • Purpose: The reason for your pull request in short

  • Summary: A description of the environment you are using (OS, Python version, etc.), logic, any caveats, and a summary of changes that were made.