
metarepo is short for meta-repository, a GitHub repository that contains instructions to reproduce results in a published work. This page contains instructions on how to use this repo as a template for creating your own metarepo.


A metarepo creates a single point of access for someone to find all of the components that were used to create a published work for the purpose of reproducibility. This repository should contain references to all minted data and software as well as any ancillary code used to transform the source data, create figures for your publication, conduct the experiment, and run the contributing software if applicable.

Lost? Start here

  • Don’t know how to use GitHub? Check out their tutorial.

  • Want a video walk-through of what a metarepo is, why they’re important, and how to create one?


These are the big picture steps for how to start from scratch and end up with a complete metarepo. There are more in depth steps below.

  1. Use the template to initialize your own metarepo

  2. Edit the README to provide instructions for how to reproduce your results

  3. Upload all materials necessary to reproduce your results

  4. Add a DOI to your metarepo

  5. Add your metarepo citation to your paper

A. Use the template to initialize your own metarepo

To use the template, either click here, click on the Use the metarepo template link at the top of this page, or click Use this template on the main repository page (shows up above Clone or download when you’re logged in) and click Create a new repository.

If you are a part of IM3, change the Owner to IMMM-SFA, otherwise, leave it as is. Fill in your Repository name (naming conventions below), the Description, select whether you want the repository to be Public or Private, and leave Include all branches unchecked. Click Create repository. You’ll be taken to the new repository you created.

Note: The following naming conventions should be used when naming your repository:

  • Single author: lastname_year_journal

  • Multi author: lastname-etal_year_journal

  • Multiple publications in the same journal: lastname-etal_year-letter_journal (e.g., human-etal_2020-a_nature, human-etal_2020-b_nature)

B. Edit the README to provide instructions for how to reproduce your results

Fill out all the applicable sections on your README. This can be done either in browser on the GitHub website or locally (by cloning the GitHub repo onto your computer using the add, commit, and push workflow).

C. Upload all materials necessary to reproduce your results

If your experiment includes scripts, upload those to the scripts directory. Include instructions to recreate your environment, for Python this would be the Python version and a requirements.txt file. For R, include the R version and consider creating a function that installs the required packages. If your paper contains figures, upload both the figure and the code to generate that figure to the figures directory. No data should be stored in your metarepo, data should be uploaded to a data storage service. IM3 folks should use MSD-LIVE.

D. Add a DOI to your metarepo

This tutorial walks through three main steps for adding a DOI to your metarepo, the three steps are summarized below. Note that this should be done after your metarepo is public and up to date with your current results. If your experiment or results change at any time, update your metarepo and create a new release. It is important to version and release your metarepo due to changes that may occur during the publication review process. If you do not know how to conduct a release on GitHub when linked with Zenodo, please contact Chris Vernon to get set up.

  1. Activate the repository on Zenodo. If your metarepo is a part of the IMMM-SFA GitHub organization, you may need a member of the DSC team to help you with this.

  2. Create a “release” for your metarepo in GitHub. Generally you can start with v1.0.0.

  3. Get a DOI from Zenodo and add the DOI badge to your repository at the top of the

E. Add your metarepo citation to your paper

Lastly, and very importantly, you need to add your metarepo citation to your paper so that people can find the reproducible instructions you’ve created.

  1. Edit the CITATION.cff file to contain the correct author(s) (name, ORCID ID), version, DOI, and URL.

  2. Click on the Cite this repository button on the right side of the main page of your metarepo. Copy whichever format you prefer.

  3. Add the citation to the data availability section of your paper. For example, “All code and data to reproduce the results and figures can be found <citation>.”

Additional (not required) steps

Customize your .gitignore file

A general .gitignore for use with Python or R development is included. However, you may wish to customize this to the needs of your project. The .gitignore file lets Git know what to push to the remote repository and what needs to be ignored and stay local.

Best Practices

  • Don’t bog down your repository with a bunch of raw data. Instead archive and mint a DOI for your data and provide the reference in this repository with instructions for downloading and using. If you are a part of IM3, use MSD-LIVE to store data.

  • Test that the instructions in your metarepo are enough to completely recreate your experiment.

  • Clean up by removing all the how to create a metarepo text once you’re done.

  • This workflow is significantly easier when started early in your project! Keep your metarepo up to date as you work on your experiment.

Stellar Examples

News and Awards

The article Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management’s Reproducibility Review Program: Accomplishments, Lessons, and Next Steps is a 3-year (2020-2023) summary perspective from ASCE JWRPM making a major effort to evaluate and reward reproducibility. Antonia Hadjimichael’s IM3 paper is one of only 13 out of 557 papers that were found to be reproducible and given the highest award. The ASCE/EWRI has put $60K towards the open access awards.

Have more questions?

Ask a question in the Discussion Section!

If you’re a part of IM3, reach out to the DSC team (email Chris Vernon)