Source code for tell.data_process_compile

import os

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from .package_data import get_ba_abbreviations

[docs]def compile_data(start_year: int, end_year: int, data_input_dir: str): """Merge the load, population, and climate data into a single .csv file for each BA :param start_year: Year to start process; four digit year (e.g., 1990) :type start_year: int :param end_year: Year to end process; four digit year (e.g., 1990) :type end_year: int :param data_input_dir: Top-level data directory for TELL :type data_input_dir: str """ # Get a list of BA abbreviations to process: ba_name = get_ba_abbreviations() # Set the input directories for each variable: load_dir = os.path.join(data_input_dir, r'tell_quickstarter_data', r'outputs', r'historical_ba_load') population_dir = os.path.join(data_input_dir, r'tell_quickstarter_data', r'outputs', r'historical_population') weather_dir = os.path.join(data_input_dir, r'sample_forcing_data', r'historical_weather') # Set the output directory based on the "data_input_dir" variable: output_dir = os.path.join(data_input_dir, r'tell_quickstarter_data', r'outputs', r'compiled_historical_data') if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) # Loop over the list of BAs to process: for i in ba_name: # Check to make sure all of the requisite data exist for that BA: all_data_present = False if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(load_dir, f"{i}_hourly_load_data.csv")) is True: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(population_dir, f"{i}_hourly_population_data.csv")) is True: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(weather_dir, f"{i}_WRF_Hourly_Mean_Meteorology_2019.csv")) is True: all_data_present = True if all_data_present is True: # Read in the historical load and population data for that BA: load_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(load_dir, f"{i}_hourly_load_data.csv")) population_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(population_dir, f"{i}_hourly_population_data.csv")) # Loop over the range of years defined by the 'start_year' and 'end_year' variables: for year in range(start_year, end_year + 1): # Read in the annual historical weather for that BA: temp_weather_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(weather_dir, f"{i}_WRF_Hourly_Mean_Meteorology_{year}.csv")) # Convert the time stamp to a datetime variable and then extract the year, month, day, and hour variables: temp_weather_df['Time_UTC'] = pd.to_datetime(temp_weather_df['Time_UTC']) temp_weather_df['Year'] = temp_weather_df['Time_UTC'].dt.strftime('%Y').astype(np.int64) temp_weather_df['Month'] = temp_weather_df['Time_UTC'].dt.strftime('%m').astype(np.int64) temp_weather_df['Day'] = temp_weather_df['Time_UTC'].dt.strftime('%d').astype(np.int64) temp_weather_df['Hour'] = temp_weather_df['Time_UTC'].dt.strftime('%H').astype(np.int64) # Only keep the columns that are needed: temp_weather_df = temp_weather_df[['Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'Hour', 'T2', 'Q2', 'SWDOWN', 'GLW', 'WSPD']].copy() # Concatenate all the years into a single dataframe: if year == start_year: weather_df = temp_weather_df.copy() else: weather_df = pd.concat([weather_df, temp_weather_df]) # Merge the historical load and population dataframes together by date: merged_first = pd.merge(load_df, population_df, how='inner', on=['Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'Hour']) # Merge in the historical weather by date: merged_second = pd.merge(merged_first, weather_df, how='inner', on=['Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'Hour']) # Round the population to 2 decimal places: merged_second['Total_Population'] = merged_second['Total_Population'].round(2) # Write the merged dataframe to a .csv file merged_second.to_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, f"{i}_historical_data.csv"), index=False, header=True) # Clean up the variables and move to the next BA in the loop: del temp_weather_df, weather_df, load_df, population_df, merged_first, merged_second, all_data_present