Source code for tell.data_process_population

import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from pandas import DataFrame
from glob import glob
from datetime import datetime
from .metadata_eia import metadata_eia

[docs]def fips_pop_yearly(pop_input_dir: str, start_year: int, end_year: int) -> DataFrame: """Read in the raw population data, format columns, and return single dataframe for all years :param pop_input_dir: Directory where raw county population data is stored :type pop_input_dir: str :param start_year: Year to start process; four digit year (e.g., 1990) :type start_year: int :param end_year: Year to end process; four digit year (e.g., 1990) :type end_year: int :return: DataFrame """ # Read in the raw county-level population .csv file from the U.S. Census Bureau: df_pop = pd.read_csv(pop_input_dir + '/county_populations_2000_to_2020.csv') # Loop over the range of years defined by the 'start_year' and 'end_year' variables: for y in range(start_year, end_year + 1): # Only keep columns that are needed: key = [f'pop_{y}', 'county_FIPS'] # Change the variable name for population for the year: df_pop_yr = df_pop[key].copy() # Assign a new variable to indicate the year: df_pop_yr['year'] = y # Rename some columns for consistency: df_pop_yr.rename(columns={f'pop_{y}': 'population'}, inplace=True) # Concatenate all the years into a single dataframe: if y == start_year: df = df_pop_yr.copy() else: df = pd.concat([df, df_pop_yr]) return df
[docs]def merge_mapping_data(map_input_dir: str, pop_input_dir: str, start_year: int, end_year: int) -> DataFrame: """Merge the BA mapping files and historical population data based on FIPS codes :param map_input_dir: Directory where the BA-to-county mapping is stored :type map_input_dir: str :param pop_input_dir: Directory where raw county population data is stored :type pop_input_dir: str :param start_year: Year to start process; four digit year (e.g., 1990) :type start_year: int :param end_year: Year to end process; four digit year (e.g., 1990) :type end_year: int :return: DataFrame """ # Load in the BA-to-county mapping files produced by the '' functions: for idx, file in enumerate(glob(f'{map_input_dir}/*.csv')): # Read in the .csv file: dfx = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(map_input_dir, file)) # Concatenate the BA-to-county mapping files across years: if idx == 0: df = dfx.copy() else: df = pd.concat([df, dfx]) # Only keep the columns that are needed: df = df[['Year', 'County_FIPS', 'BA_Number']].copy() # Fill in missing values and reassign the variables as integers: df['BA_Number'] = df['BA_Number'].fillna(0).astype(np.int64) df['County_FIPS'] = df['County_FIPS'].fillna(0).astype(np.int64) # Select for valid (and unique) BA numbers using the '' functions: num = df['BA_Number'].tolist() unique_num = np.unique(num).tolist() metadata_df = metadata_eia(unique_num) # Merge the mapping dataframe to the the metadata dataframe based on BA number: df_map = df.merge(metadata_df, on=['BA_Number']) # Rename some columns for consistency: df_map.rename(columns={"County_FIPS": "county_FIPS"}, inplace=True) df_map.rename(columns={"Year": "year"}, inplace=True) # Get sum of population by FIPS code (e.g., counties) using the 'fips_pop_yearly' function: df_pop = fips_pop_yearly(pop_input_dir, start_year, end_year) # Merge the dataframes based on county FIPS code and year: df_combine = pd.merge(df_pop, df_map, how='left', left_on=['county_FIPS', 'year'], right_on=['county_FIPS', 'year']) return df_combine
[docs]def ba_pop_sum(map_input_dir: str, pop_input_dir: str, start_year: int, end_year: int) -> DataFrame: """Sum the total population within a BA's service territory in a given year :param map_input_dir: Directory where the BA-to-county mapping is stored :type map_input_dir: str :param pop_input_dir: Directory where raw county population data is stored :type pop_input_dir: str :param start_year: Year to start process; four digit year (e.g., 1990) :type start_year: int :param end_year: Year to end process; four digit year (e.g., 1990) :type end_year: int :return: DataFrame """ # Get population from the 'merge_mapping_data' function: df_pop = merge_mapping_data(map_input_dir, pop_input_dir, start_year, end_year) # Sum the population for each BA by year: df = df_pop.groupby(['BA_Name', 'year'])['population'].sum().reset_index() return df
[docs]def process_ba_population_data(start_year: int, end_year: int, data_input_dir: str): """Calculate a time-series of the total population living with a BAs service territory :param start_year: Year to start process; four digit year (e.g., 1990) :type start_year: int :param end_year: Year to end process; four digit year (e.g., 1990) :type end_year: int :param data_input_dir: Top-level data directory for TELL :type data_input_dir: str """ # Set the output directory based on the "data_input_dir" variable: output_dir = os.path.join(data_input_dir, r'tell_quickstarter_data', r'outputs', r'historical_population') # If the output directory doesn't exist then create it: if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) # Set the input directories based on the "data_input_dir" variable: map_input_dir = os.path.join(data_input_dir, r'tell_quickstarter_data', r'outputs', r'ba_service_territory') pop_input_dir = os.path.join(data_input_dir, r'tell_raw_data', r'Population') # Sum the populations using the 'ba_pop_sum' function: df = ba_pop_sum(map_input_dir, pop_input_dir, start_year, end_year) # Convert the year to a datetime variable: df['year'] = pd.to_datetime(df['year'], format='%Y') # Rename some columns for consistency: df.rename(columns={"population": "pop"}, inplace=True) df.rename(columns={'BA_Name': 'name'}, inplace=True) # Reshape the dataframe so that the interpolation will work: df = df.pivot(index='name', columns='year', values='pop') # Set the start and end times for the interpolation: rng_start = f'{start_year}-01-01 00:00:00' rng_end = f'{end_year}-12-31 23:00:00' datetime.strptime(rng_start, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") datetime.strptime(rng_end, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # Get a range of dates to interpolate to: rng = pd.date_range(rng_start, rng_end, freq='H') # Reindex the dataframe and linearly interpolate from an annual to an hourly resolution: df_interp = df.reindex(rng, axis=1).interpolate(axis=1) # Transpose the interpolated dataframe: df_interp = df_interp.T # Reset the index variable: df_interp.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True) # Extract the year, month, day, and hour for each date: df_interp['Year'] = df_interp['index'].dt.strftime('%Y') df_interp['Month'] = df_interp['index'].dt.strftime('%m') df_interp['Day'] = df_interp['index'].dt.strftime('%d') df_interp['Hour'] = df_interp['index'].dt.strftime('%H') # Reorder the columns and remove the datestring variable: col = df_interp.pop("Year") df_interp.insert(0,, col) col = df_interp.pop("Month") df_interp.insert(1,, col) col = df_interp.pop("Day") df_interp.insert(2,, col) col = df_interp.pop("Hour") df_interp.insert(3,, col) # Drop the index variable: df_interp = df_interp.drop(columns='index') # Get list of BA names from the column headers: df_names = df_interp.loc[:, ~df_interp.columns.isin(['Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'Hour'])] BA_name = list(df_names) # Loop over BA names to write each BA's population time-series to a .csv file: for name in BA_name: df_interp.to_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, f'{name}_hourly_population_data.csv'), index=False, columns=['Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'Hour', f'{name}'], header=['Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'Hour', 'Total_Population'])
[docs]def extract_future_ba_population(year: int, ba_code: str, scenario: str, data_input_dir: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Calculate the total population living within a BA's service territory in a given year under a given SSP scenario. :param year: Year to process; four digit year (e.g., 1990) :type year: int :param ba_code: Code for the BA you want to process (e.g., 'PJM' or 'CISO') :type ba_code: str :param scenario: Code for the SSP scenario you want to process (either 'ssp3' or 'ssp5') :type scenario: str :param data_input_dir: Top-level data directory for TELL :type data_input_dir: str :return: Hourly total population living within the BA's service territory """ # Set the input directories based on the "data_input_dir" variable: map_input_dir = os.path.join(data_input_dir, r'tell_quickstarter_data', r'outputs', r'ba_service_territory') pop_input_dir = os.path.join(data_input_dir, r'sample_forcing_data', r'sample_population_projections') # Read in the BA mapping .csv file: mapping_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(map_input_dir, 'ba_service_territory_2019.csv')) # Only keep the columns that are needed: mapping_df = mapping_df[['County_FIPS', 'BA_Code']].copy() # Subset to only the BA you want to process: mapping_df = mapping_df[mapping_df["BA_Code"] == ba_code] # Read in the population projection file for the scenario you want to process: pop_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(pop_input_dir, f'{scenario}_county_population.csv')) # Rename some columns for consistency: pop_df.rename(columns={"FIPS": "County_FIPS"}, inplace=True) # Merge the mapping dataframe to the the population dataframe based on county FIPS code: mapping_df = mapping_df.merge(pop_df, on=['County_FIPS']) # Only keep the columns that are needed: df = mapping_df[['2020', '2030', '2040', '2050', '2060', '2070', '2080', '2090', '2100']].copy() # Sum the population across all counties: df_sum = df.sum(axis=0) # Convert the series to a dataframe: df = pd.DataFrame({'Year': df_sum.index, 'Population': df_sum.values}) # Convert the year to a datetime variable: df['Year'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Year'], format='%Y') # Linearly interpolate from an decadal to an hourly resolution: df_interp = df.set_index('Year').resample('H').interpolate('linear') # Reset the index variable: df_interp.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True) # Set the start and end times for the year you want to process: rng_start = f'{year}-01-01 00:00:00' rng_end = f'{year}-12-31 23:00:00' # Subset to only the year you want to process: df_interp = df_interp[df_interp["Year"] >= (datetime.strptime(rng_start, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))] df_interp = df_interp[df_interp["Year"] <= (datetime.strptime(rng_end, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))] # Rename some columns for consistency: df_interp.rename(columns={"Year": "Time"}, inplace=True) # Extract the year, month, day, and hour for each date: df_interp['Year'] = df_interp['Time'].dt.strftime('%Y') df_interp['Month'] = df_interp['Time'].dt.strftime('%m') df_interp['Day'] = df_interp['Time'].dt.strftime('%d') df_interp['Hour'] = df_interp['Time'].dt.strftime('%H') # Reorder the columns: col = df_interp.pop("Year") df_interp.insert(0,, col) col = df_interp.pop("Month") df_interp.insert(1,, col) col = df_interp.pop("Day") df_interp.insert(2,, col) col = df_interp.pop("Hour") df_interp.insert(3,, col) col = df_interp.pop("Population") df_interp.insert(4,, col) # Drop the index variable: df_interp = df_interp.drop(columns='Time') # Return the output as a dataframe: return df_interp