Source code for tell.execute_forward

import os
import glob
import datetime

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from pandas import DataFrame
from scipy import interpolate
from .states_fips_function import state_metadata_from_state_abbreviation

[docs]def extract_gcam_usa_loads(filename: str) -> DataFrame: """Extracts the state-level annual loads from a given GCAM-USA output file. :param filename: Name of the GCAM-USA output file :type filename: str :return: DataFrame of state-level annual total electricity loads """ # Load in the raw GCAM-USA output file: gcam_usa_df = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=None, header=0) # Subset the data to only the total annual consumption of electricity by state: gcam_usa_df = gcam_usa_df[gcam_usa_df['param'].isin(['elecFinalBySecTWh'])] # Make a list of all of the states in the "gcam_usa_df": states = gcam_usa_df['region'].unique() # Loop over the states and interpolate their loads to an annual time step: for i in range(len(states)): # Subset to just the data for the state being processed: subset_df = gcam_usa_df[gcam_usa_df['region'].isin([states[i]])].copy() # Retrieve the state metadata: (state_fips, state_name) = state_metadata_from_state_abbreviation(states[i]) # Linearly interpolate the 5-year loads from GCAM-USA to an annual time step: annual_time_vector = pd.Series(range(subset_df['origX'].min(), subset_df['origX'].max())) interpolation_function = interpolate.interp1d(subset_df['origX'], subset_df['value'], kind='linear') annual_loads = interpolation_function(annual_time_vector) # Create an empty dataframe and store the results: state_df = pd.DataFrame() state_df['Year'] = annual_time_vector.tolist() state_df['GCAM_USA_State_Annual_Load_TWh'] = annual_loads state_df['State_FIPS'] = state_fips state_df['State_Name'] = state_name state_df['State_Abbreviation'] = states[i] # Aggregate the output into a new dataframe: if i == 0: gcam_usa_output_df = state_df else: gcam_usa_output_df = pd.concat([gcam_usa_output_df, state_df]) return gcam_usa_output_df
[docs]def process_population_scenario(scenario_to_process: str, population_data_input_dir: str): """Read in a future population file and interpolate the data to an annual resolution. :param scenario_to_process: Scenario to process :type scenario_to_process: str :param population_data_input_dir: Path to where the sample population projections are stored :type population_data_input_dir: str :return: DataFrame of population projections at an annual resolution """ if scenario_to_process == 'rcp45cooler_ssp3': scenario_string = 'ssp3' if scenario_to_process == 'rcp45cooler_ssp5': scenario_string = 'ssp5' if scenario_to_process == 'rcp45hotter_ssp3': scenario_string = 'ssp3' if scenario_to_process == 'rcp45hotter_ssp5': scenario_string = 'ssp5' if scenario_to_process == 'rcp85cooler_ssp3': scenario_string = 'ssp3' if scenario_to_process == 'rcp85cooler_ssp5': scenario_string = 'ssp5' if scenario_to_process == 'rcp85hotter_ssp3': scenario_string = 'ssp3' if scenario_to_process == 'rcp85hotter_ssp5': scenario_string = 'ssp5' # Read in the raw file: population_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(population_data_input_dir, f"{scenario_string}_county_population.csv"), dtype={'FIPS': str}) # Drop the 'state_name' column and rename the "FIPS" column: population_df.drop(columns=['state_name'], inplace=True) population_df.rename(columns={'FIPS': 'County_FIPS'}, inplace=True) # Set county FIPS code as the index variable: population_df.set_index('County_FIPS', inplace=True) # Transpose the dataframe: population_dft = population_df.T # Bring the index back into the dataframe: population_dft.reset_index(inplace=True) # Rename the index column as "yr": population_dft.rename(columns={'index': 'yr'}, inplace=True) # Convert the year to a datetime variable: population_dft['yr'] = pd.to_datetime(population_dft['yr']) # Set the year as the index variable: population_dft.set_index('yr', inplace=True) # Interpolate the populations to an annual time-step and transpose the results: population_interp_df = population_dft.resample('1Y').mean().interpolate('linear').T # Convert the dataframe from a wide format to a long format and name the population variable: population_interp_df = population_interp_df.stack().reset_index() population_interp_df.rename(columns={0: 'Population'}, inplace=True) # Change the time variable to only the year value: population_interp_df['Year'] = population_interp_df['yr'].dt.year population_interp_df.drop(columns=['yr'], inplace=True) # Reorder the columns, convert the FIPS values from strings to integeers, round the population projections # to whole numbers, and sort the dataframe by FIPS code then year: population_interp_df = population_interp_df[['County_FIPS', 'Year', 'Population']] population_interp_df['County_FIPS'] = population_interp_df['County_FIPS'].astype(int) population_interp_df['Population'] = population_interp_df['Population'].round(0).astype(int) population_interp_df = population_interp_df.sort_values(['County_FIPS', 'Year']) return population_interp_df
[docs]def aggregate_mlp_output_files(list_of_files: list) -> DataFrame: """Aggregates a list of MLP output files into a dataframe. :param list_of_files: List of MLP output files :type list_of_files: list :return: DataFrame of all MLP output concatenated together """ # Loop over the list of MLP output files: for file in range(len(list_of_files)): # Read in the .csv file and replace missing values with nan: mlp_data = pd.read_csv(list_of_files[file]).replace(-9999, np.nan) # Rename the "BA" variable: mlp_data.rename(columns={'BA': 'BA_Code'}, inplace=True) # Rename the "Load" variable: mlp_data.rename(columns={'Load': 'Total_BA_Load_MWh'}, inplace=True) # Replacing missing or negative loads with NaN: mlp_data.loc[~(mlp_data['Total_BA_Load_MWh'] > 0), 'Total_BA_Load_MWh'] = np.nan # Aggregate the output into a new dataframe: if file == 0: mlp_output_df = mlp_data else: mlp_output_df = pd.concat([mlp_output_df, mlp_data]) return mlp_output_df
[docs]def output_tell_summary_data(joint_mlp_df: DataFrame, year_to_process: str, data_output_dir: str): """Writes a summary file describing state-level annual total loads from TELL and GCAM-USA. :param joint_mlp_df: DataFrame of processed TELL loads :type joint_mlp_df: DataFrame :param year_to_process: Year to process :type year_to_process: str :param data_output_dir: Data output directory :type data_output_dir: str :return: Summary statistics as a dataframe """ # Make a copy of the necessary variables, drop the duplicates, and add in the "year_to_process": output_df = joint_mlp_df[ ['State_FIPS', 'State_Name', 'TELL_State_Annual_Load_TWh', 'GCAM_USA_State_Annual_Load_TWh', 'State_Scaling_Factor']].copy(deep=False) output_df = output_df.drop_duplicates() output_df['Year'] = year_to_process # Rename the columns to make them more readable: output_df.rename(columns={'TELL_State_Annual_Load_TWh': 'Raw_TELL_Load_TWh', 'GCAM_USA_State_Annual_Load_TWh': 'GCAM_USA_Load_TWh', 'State_Scaling_Factor': 'Scaling_Factor'}, inplace=True) # Calculate the scaled TELL loads: output_df['Scaled_TELL_Load_TWh'] = output_df['Raw_TELL_Load_TWh'].mul(output_df['Scaling_Factor']) # Round off the values to make the output file more readable: output_df['State_FIPS'] = output_df['State_FIPS'].round(0) output_df['Raw_TELL_Load_TWh'] = output_df['Raw_TELL_Load_TWh'].round(2) output_df['GCAM_USA_Load_TWh'] = output_df['GCAM_USA_Load_TWh'].round(2) output_df['Scaled_TELL_Load_TWh'] = output_df['Scaled_TELL_Load_TWh'].round(2) output_df['Scaling_Factor'] = output_df['Scaling_Factor'].round(5) # Reorder the columns, fill in missing values, and sort alphabetically by state name: output_df = output_df[ ['Year', 'State_Name', 'State_FIPS', 'Scaling_Factor', 'GCAM_USA_Load_TWh', 'Raw_TELL_Load_TWh', 'Scaled_TELL_Load_TWh']] output_df = output_df.fillna(-9999) output_df = output_df.sort_values('State_Name') # Generate the .csv output file name: csv_output_filename = os.path.join(data_output_dir, 'TELL_State_Summary_Data_' + year_to_process + '.csv') # Write out the dataframe to a .csv file: output_df.to_csv(csv_output_filename, sep=',', index=False) return output_df
[docs]def output_tell_ba_data(joint_mlp_df: DataFrame, year_to_process: str, data_output_dir: str): """Writes a file of the time-series of hourly loads for each BA. :param joint_mlp_df: DataFrame of processed TELL loads :type joint_mlp_df: DataFrame :param year_to_process: Year to process :type year_to_process: str :param data_output_dir: Data output directory :type data_output_dir: str :return: BA-level total load time-series as a dataframe """ # Make a copy of the necessary variables: ba_output_df = joint_mlp_df[ ['Time_UTC', 'BA_Code', 'BA_Number', 'County_BA_Load_MWh', 'County_BA_Load_MWh_Scaled']].copy(deep=False) # Make a list of all of the BAs in "ba_output_df": bas = ba_output_df['BA_Code'].unique() # Loop over the BAs and process their data into an output file: for i in range(len(bas)): # Subset to just the data for the BA being processed: output_df = ba_output_df[ba_output_df['BA_Code'].isin([bas[i]])].copy() # Sum the county loads as a function of time: output_df['Raw_TELL_BA_Load_MWh'] = output_df.groupby('Time_UTC')['County_BA_Load_MWh'].transform('sum') output_df['Scaled_TELL_BA_Load_MWh'] = output_df.groupby('Time_UTC')['County_BA_Load_MWh_Scaled'].transform('sum') # Subset and reorder the columns, drop duplicates, fill in missing values, and sort chronologically: output_df = output_df[['BA_Code', 'BA_Number', 'Time_UTC', 'Raw_TELL_BA_Load_MWh', 'Scaled_TELL_BA_Load_MWh']] output_df = output_df.drop_duplicates() output_df = output_df.fillna(-9999) output_df = output_df.sort_values("Time_UTC") # Round off the values to make the output file more readable: output_df['BA_Number'] = output_df['BA_Number'].round(0) output_df['Raw_TELL_BA_Load_MWh'] = output_df['Raw_TELL_BA_Load_MWh'].round(2) output_df['Scaled_TELL_BA_Load_MWh'] = output_df['Scaled_TELL_BA_Load_MWh'].round(2) # Aggregate the output into a new dataframe: if i == 0: aggregate_output_df = output_df else: aggregate_output_df = pd.concat([aggregate_output_df, output_df]) # Sort the data alphabetically by BA: aggregate_output_df = aggregate_output_df.sort_values(by=["BA_Code", "Time_UTC"]) # Generate the .csv output file name: csv_output_filename = os.path.join(data_output_dir, 'TELL_Balancing_Authority_Hourly_Load_Data_' + year_to_process + '.csv') # Write out the dataframe to a .csv file: aggregate_output_df.to_csv(csv_output_filename, sep=',', index=False) return aggregate_output_df
[docs]def output_tell_state_data(joint_mlp_df: DataFrame, year_to_process: str, data_output_dir: str): """Writes a file of the time-series of hourly loads for each state. :param joint_mlp_df: DataFrame of processed TELL loads :type joint_mlp_df: DataFrame :param year_to_process: Year to process :type year_to_process: str :param data_output_dir: Data output directory :type data_output_dir: str :return: State-level total load time-series as a dataframe """ # Make a copy of the necessary variables: state_output_df = joint_mlp_df[ ['Time_UTC', 'State_FIPS', 'State_Name', 'State_Scaling_Factor', 'County_BA_Load_MWh', 'County_BA_Load_MWh_Scaled']].copy(deep=False) # Make a list of all of the states in "state_output_df": states = state_output_df['State_Name'].unique() # Loop over the states and process their data: for i in range(len(states)): # Subset to just the data for the state being processed: output_df = state_output_df[state_output_df['State_Name'].isin([states[i]])].copy() # Sum the county loads as a function of time: output_df['Raw_TELL_State_Load_MWh'] = output_df.groupby('Time_UTC')['County_BA_Load_MWh'].transform('sum') output_df['Scaled_TELL_State_Load_MWh'] = output_df.groupby('Time_UTC')['County_BA_Load_MWh_Scaled'].transform( 'sum') # Subset and reorder the columns, drop duplicates, fill in missing values, and sort chronologically: output_df = output_df[ ['State_Name', 'State_FIPS', 'Time_UTC', 'Raw_TELL_State_Load_MWh', 'Scaled_TELL_State_Load_MWh']] output_df = output_df.drop_duplicates() output_df = output_df.fillna(-9999) output_df = output_df.sort_values('Time_UTC') # Round off the values to make the output file more readable: output_df['State_FIPS'] = output_df['State_FIPS'].round(0) output_df['Raw_TELL_State_Load_MWh'] = output_df['Raw_TELL_State_Load_MWh'].round(2) output_df['Scaled_TELL_State_Load_MWh'] = output_df['Scaled_TELL_State_Load_MWh'].round(2) # Aggregate the output into a new dataframe: if i == 0: aggregate_output_df = output_df else: aggregate_output_df = pd.concat([aggregate_output_df, output_df]) # Sort the data alphabetically by state: aggregate_output_df = aggregate_output_df.sort_values(by=['State_Name', 'Time_UTC']) # Generate the .csv output file name: csv_output_filename = os.path.join(data_output_dir, 'TELL_State_Hourly_Load_Data_' + year_to_process + '.csv') # Write out the dataframe to a .csv file: aggregate_output_df.to_csv(csv_output_filename, sep=',', index=False) return aggregate_output_df
[docs]def output_tell_county_data(joint_mlp_df: DataFrame, year_to_process: str, data_output_dir: str): """Writes a file of the time-series of hourly loads for each county. :param joint_mlp_df: DataFrame of processed TELL loads :type joint_mlp_df: DataFrame :param year_to_process: Year to process :type year_to_process: str :param data_output_dir: Data output directory :type data_output_dir: str """ # Make a copy of the necessary variables: county_output_df = joint_mlp_df[ {'Time_UTC', 'County_FIPS', 'County_Name', 'State_Name', 'State_FIPS', 'County_BA_Load_MWh', 'County_BA_Load_MWh_Scaled'}].copy(deep=False) # Make a list of all of the counties in "county_output_df": counties = county_output_df['County_FIPS'].unique() # Loop over the counties and process their data: for i in range(len(counties)): # Subset to just the data for the county being processed: output_df = county_output_df[county_output_df['County_FIPS'] == counties[i]].copy() # Sum the county loads as a function of time: output_df['Raw_TELL_County_Load_MWh'] = output_df.groupby('Time_UTC')['County_BA_Load_MWh'].transform('sum') output_df['Scaled_TELL_County_Load_MWh'] = output_df.groupby('Time_UTC')['County_BA_Load_MWh_Scaled'].transform( 'sum') # Subset and reorder the columns, drop duplicates, fill in missing values, and sort chronologically: output_df = output_df[ ['County_Name', 'County_FIPS', 'State_Name', 'State_FIPS', 'Time_UTC', 'Raw_TELL_County_Load_MWh', 'Scaled_TELL_County_Load_MWh']] output_df = output_df.drop_duplicates() output_df = output_df.fillna(-9999) output_df = output_df.sort_values("Time_UTC") # Round off the values to make the output file more readable: output_df['County_FIPS'] = output_df['County_FIPS'].round(0) output_df['State_FIPS'] = output_df['State_FIPS'].round(0) output_df['Raw_TELL_County_Load_MWh'] = output_df['Raw_TELL_County_Load_MWh'].round(2) output_df['Scaled_TELL_County_Load_MWh'] = output_df['Scaled_TELL_County_Load_MWh'].round(2) # Generate the .csv output file name: county_name = output_df['County_Name'].unique()[0] county_name = county_name.replace(" ", "_") county_name = county_name.replace(",", "_") state_name = output_df['State_Name'].unique()[0] state_name = state_name.replace(" ", "_") state_name = state_name.replace(",", "_") csv_output_filename = os.path.join( data_output_dir + '/County_Level_Data/TELL_' + state_name + '_' + county_name + '_Hourly_Load_Data_' + year_to_process + '.csv') # Write out the dataframe to a .csv file: output_df.to_csv(csv_output_filename, sep=',', index=False)
[docs]def execute_forward(year_to_process: str, scenario_to_process: str, data_input_dir: str, save_county_data=False): """Takes the .csv files produced by the TELL MLP model and distributes the predicted load to the counties that each balancing authority (BA) operates in. The county-level hourly loads are then summed to the state-level and scaled to match the state-level annual loads produced by GCAM-USA. Three sets of output files are generated: county-level hourly loads, state-level hourly loads, and hourly loads for each BA. There is one additional summary output file that includes state-level annual loads from TELL and GCAM-USA as well as the scaling factors. :param year_to_process: Year to process :type year_to_process: str :param scenario_to_process: Scenario to process :type scenario_to_process: str :param data_input_dir: Top-level data directory for TELL :type data_input_dir: str :param save_county_data: Set to True if you want to save the time-series of load for each county :type save_county_data: bool :return: [0] Summary statistics as a dataframe [1] BA-level total load time-series as a dataframe [2] State-level total load time-series as a dataframe """ # Print the start time and set a time variable to benchmark the run time: begin_time = print('Start time = ', begin_time) # Set the data input directories: gcam_usa_input_dir = os.path.join(data_input_dir, r'sample_forcing_data', r'sample_gcam_usa_data', scenario_to_process) map_input_dir = os.path.join(data_input_dir, r'tell_quickstarter_data', r'outputs', r'ba_service_territory') mlp_input_dir = os.path.join(data_input_dir, r'tell_quickstarter_data', r'outputs', r'mlp_output', scenario_to_process, year_to_process) pop_input_dir = os.path.join(data_input_dir, r'sample_forcing_data', r'sample_population_projections') # Set the data output directory: data_output_dir = os.path.join(data_input_dir, r'tell_quickstarter_data', 'outputs', r'tell_output', scenario_to_process, year_to_process) # Check if the data output directory exists and if not then create it: if os.path.exists(data_output_dir) is False: os.makedirs(data_output_dir) if save_county_data: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_output_dir, 'County_Level_Data')) is False: os.mkdir(os.path.join(data_output_dir, 'County_Level_Data')) # Load in the sample GCAM-USA output file and subset the data to only the "year_to_process": gcam_usa_df = extract_gcam_usa_loads(os.path.join(gcam_usa_input_dir, 'gcamDataTable_aggParam.csv')) gcam_usa_df = gcam_usa_df[gcam_usa_df['Year'] == int(year_to_process)] # Load in the most recent (i.e., 2019) BA service territory mapping file: ba_mapping_df = pd.read_csv((os.path.join(map_input_dir, 'ba_service_territory_2019.csv')), index_col=None, header=0) # Read in the sample population projection dataset for the scenario being processed: population_df = process_population_scenario(scenario_to_process, pop_input_dir) # Subset to only the year being processed: population_df = population_df.loc[(population_df['Year'] == int(year_to_process))] # Only keep the columns that are needed: population_df = population_df[['County_FIPS', 'Population']].copy() # Merge the ba_mapping_df and population_df dataframes. Compute the fraction of the total population in each BA # that lives in a given county: mapping_df = ba_mapping_df.merge(population_df, on=['County_FIPS']) mapping_df = mapping_df.sort_values('BA_Number') mapping_df['BA_Population_Sum'] = mapping_df.groupby('BA_Code')['Population'].transform('sum') mapping_df['BA_Population_Fraction'] = mapping_df['Population'] / mapping_df['BA_Population_Sum'] mapping_df = mapping_df.dropna() # Create a list of all of the MLP output files in the "mlp_input_dir" and aggregate the files in that list: mlp_filelist = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(mlp_input_dir, '*_mlp_output.csv'))) mlp_output_df = aggregate_mlp_output_files(mlp_filelist) # Merge the "mapping_df" with "mlp_output_df" using BA codes to merge on: joint_mlp_df = pd.merge(mlp_output_df, mapping_df, on='BA_Code') # Scale the BA loads in each county by the fraction of the BA's total population that lives there: joint_mlp_df['County_BA_Load_MWh'] = joint_mlp_df['Total_BA_Load_MWh'].mul(joint_mlp_df['BA_Population_Fraction']) # Sum the county-level hourly loads into annual state-level total loads and convert that value from MWh to TWh: joint_mlp_df['TELL_State_Annual_Load_TWh'] = (joint_mlp_df.groupby('State_FIPS')['County_BA_Load_MWh'].transform('sum')) / 1000000 # Add a column with the state-level annual total loads from GCAM-USA: joint_mlp_df = pd.merge(joint_mlp_df, gcam_usa_df[['State_FIPS', 'GCAM_USA_State_Annual_Load_TWh']], on='State_FIPS', how='left') # Compute the state-level scaling factors that force TELL annual loads to match GCAM-USA annual loads: joint_mlp_df['State_Scaling_Factor'] = joint_mlp_df['GCAM_USA_State_Annual_Load_TWh'].div(joint_mlp_df['TELL_State_Annual_Load_TWh']) # Apply those scaling factors to the "County_BA_Load_MWh" variable: joint_mlp_df['County_BA_Load_MWh_Scaled'] = joint_mlp_df['County_BA_Load_MWh'].mul(joint_mlp_df['State_Scaling_Factor']) # Output the resulting projections using the output functions: summary_df = output_tell_summary_data(joint_mlp_df, year_to_process, data_output_dir) ba_time_series_df = output_tell_ba_data(joint_mlp_df, year_to_process, data_output_dir) state_time_series_df = output_tell_state_data(joint_mlp_df, year_to_process, data_output_dir) # If the "save_county_data" flag is set to true then save the time-series of demand for each county: if save_county_data: output_tell_county_data(joint_mlp_df, year_to_process, data_output_dir) # Output the end time and elapsed time in order to benchmark the run time: print('End time = ', print('Elapsed time = ', - begin_time) return summary_df, ba_time_series_df, state_time_series_df