Source code for tell.mlp_predict

import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from typing import Union
from .mlp_prepare_data import DatasetPredict, DefaultSettings
from .mlp_utils import normalize_prediction_data, load_predictive_models

[docs]def predict(region: str, year: int, data_dir: str, datetime_field_name: str = "Time_UTC", save_prediction: bool = False, prediction_output_directory: Union[str, None] = None, **kwargs): """Generate predictions for MLP model for a target region from an input CSV file. :param region: Indicating region / balancing authority we want to train and test on. Must match with string in CSV files. :type region: str :param year: Target year to use in YYYY format. :type year: int :param data_dir: Full path to the directory that houses the input CSV files. :type data_dir: str :param save_prediction: Choice to write predictions to a .csv file :type save_prediction: bool :param prediction_output_directory: Full path to output directory where prediction files will be written. :type prediction_output_directory: Union[str, None] :param datetime_field_name: Name of the datetime field. :type datetime_field_name: str :param data_column_rename_dict: Dictionary for the field names present in the input CSV file (keys) to what the code expects them to be (values). :type data_column_rename_dict: Optional[dict[str]] :param expected_datetime_columns: Expected names of the date time columns in the input CSV file. :type expected_datetime_columns: Optional[list[str]] :param hour_field_name: Field name of the hour field in the input CSV file. :type hour_field_name: Optional[str] :param month_field_name: Field name of the month field in the input CSV file. :type month_field_name: Optional[str] :param x_variables: Target variable list. :type x_variables: Optional[list[str]] :param add_dayofweek_xvars: True if the user wishes to add weekday and holiday targets to the x variables. :type add_dayofweek_xvars: Optional[bool] :param y_variables: Feature variable list. :type y_variables: Optional[list[str]] :param day_list: List of day abbreviations and their order. :type day_list: Optional[list[str]] :param seed_value: Seed value to reproduce randomization. :type seed_value: Optional[int] :param verbose: Choice to see logged outputs. :type verbose: bool :return: Prediction data frame """ # get project level settings data settings = DefaultSettings(region=region, data_dir=data_dir, **kwargs) # set random seed np.random.seed(settings.seed_value) # prepare data for MLP model data_mlp = DatasetPredict(region=region, year=year, data_dir=data_dir, datetime_field_name=datetime_field_name, **kwargs) # load models and the normalization dictionary from file mlp_model, normalized_dict = load_predictive_models(region=region, model_output_directory=settings.model_output_directory) # normalize model features and targets for the MLP model x_mlp_norm = normalize_prediction_data(data_arr=data_mlp.x_data, min_train_arr=normalized_dict["min_x_train"], max_train_arr=normalized_dict["max_x_train"]) # run the MLP model with normalized data y_predicted_norm = mlp_model.predict(x_mlp_norm) # denormalize predicted data y_predicted = (y_predicted_norm * (normalized_dict["max_y_train"] - normalized_dict["min_y_train"]) + normalized_dict["min_y_train"]).round(2) # generate output data frame prediction_df = pd.DataFrame({"Time_UTC": data_mlp.df_data[settings.DATETIME_FIELD].values, "Load": y_predicted, "BA": region}) # save the prediction to a .csv file: if save_prediction: # if the subdirectory for the year being processed doesn't exist then create it: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(prediction_output_directory, str(year))): os.makedirs(os.path.join(prediction_output_directory, str(year))) prediction_df.to_csv(os.path.join(prediction_output_directory, str(year), f'{region}_'f'{year}_mlp_output.csv'), index=False) return prediction_df
[docs]def predict_batch(target_region_list: list, year: int, data_dir: str, n_jobs: int = -1, datetime_field_name: str = "Time_UTC", save_prediction: bool = False, prediction_output_directory: Union[str, None] = None, **kwargs): """Generate predictions for MLP model for a target region from an input CSV file for all regions in input list in parallel. :param target_region_list: List of names indicating region / balancing authority we want to train and test on. Must match with string in CSV files. :type target_region_list: list :param year: Target year to use in YYYY format. :type year: int :param data_dir: Full path to the directory that houses the input CSV files. :type data_dir: str :param n_jobs: The maximum number of concurrently running jobs, such as the number of Python worker processes when backend=”multiprocessing” or the size of the thread-pool when backend=”threading”. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Thus for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used. None is a marker for ‘unset’ that will be interpreted as n_jobs=1 (sequential execution) unless the call is performed under a parallel_backend context manager that sets another value for n_jobs. :type n_jobs: int :param datetime_field_name: Name of the datetime field. :type datetime_field_name: str :param save_prediction: Choice to write predictions to a .csv file :type save_prediction: bool :param prediction_output_directory: Full path to output directory where prediction files will be written. :type prediction_output_directory: Union[str, None] :param data_column_rename_dict: Dictionary for the field names present in the input CSV file (keys) to what the code expects them to be (values). :type data_column_rename_dict: Optional[dict[str]] :param expected_datetime_columns: Expected names of the date time columns in the input CSV file. :type expected_datetime_columns: Optional[list[str]] :param hour_field_name: Field name of the hour field in the input CSV file. :type hour_field_name: Optional[str] :param month_field_name: Field name of the month field in the input CSV file. :type month_field_name: Optional[str] :param x_variables: Target variable list. :type x_variables: Optional[list[str]] :param add_dayofweek_xvars: True if the user wishes to add weekday and holiday targets to the x variables. :type add_dayofweek_xvars: Optional[bool] :param y_variables: Feature variable list. :type y_variables: Optional[list[str]] :param day_list: List of day abbreviations and their order. :type day_list: Optional[list[str]] :param seed_value: Seed value to reproduce randomization. :type seed_value: Optional[int] :param verbose: Choice to see logged outputs. :type verbose: bool :return: Prediction data frame """ # run all regions in target list in parallel results = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, backend="loky")(delayed(predict)(region=region, year=year, data_dir=data_dir, datetime_field_name=datetime_field_name, save_prediction=save_prediction, prediction_output_directory=prediction_output_directory, **kwargs) for region in target_region_list) # aggregate outputs for index, i in enumerate(results): if index == 0: prediction_df = i else: prediction_df = pd.concat([prediction_df, i]) return prediction_df